Friday, March 1, 2013

Stuff You Should Know in Taiwan

7 months had passed ever since I leave Malaysia to study in Taiwan. 

There are several things that you should really know about Taiwan. I'm mostly comparing Taiwan and Malaysia. 

1. Taiwan People are Friendly
This should be obvious from the moment you arrived at the Taoyuan International Airport. You will be instantly amazed by how the airport personnel manage the airport. Not to mention how luxurious and bright the airport is. I'm looking at you LCCT!

2. Lavatories / Toilet is Empty
Do not be surprise if you enter a public toilet and found nothing inside except the toilet bowl itself. No toilet paper or water pipe. You'd better carry at least a toilet paper with you when traveling.

3. Driving on the Right, American Style
They follow the American. So when you're standing in an elevator, make sure you stand at the right to give way to others.

4. Breastfeed Rooms, and Lots of It
You can practically see these almost everywhere in shopping complex or highly populated area. 

5. Highly Dense 7-11

It took me some time to adapt myself to mingle around with Chinese. Well Malaysia is multiculture.